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Membership Type:

Brand and Upload Page

Your upload page lets you receive secure messages and files from others without requiring them to create an account or login. Learn More.

Your upload page address:

Tip: Share it in your email signature, on your website, or print it on your business card, so your clients can find it easily.


Contact Information


Should your email address be displayed on your upload page? (Set NO to reduce spam.)

Show email address? NO
If no name or business name is provided, email will be shown regardless of above setting.


Your photo helps enhance your upload page and folder. Upload a headshot, office photo, or whatever you wish to showcase to your clients.

Upload Page Design Theme

The design theme is common for the organization. Organization admins may change it under organization brand settings.

Share or Test Your Upload Page

Your upload page address:

Tip: Share it in your email signature, on your website, or print it on your business card, so your clients can find it easily.

Visit your upload page to see it as it appears to your page visitors.

(Opens in a new tab.)

Delivery Notifications

Loading delivery notification settings...

Account Security

Username: [How to change this?]
Logged in using: --

Two-factor Authentication

When two-factor authentication (2FA or MFA), is enabled, access to one of your devices will be required to login, in addition to your password. This makes it much harder for someone else to login to your account. [ Learn more ]


External Logins

Login using your existing Google or Facebook account without the need to enter an Encyro password. [Learn more]

External logins must use the same email address as your current Encyro account.

Enable 2FA on each login separately.

Email Verification

Email status:

Email Opt-in

Loading email opt-in settings...

Note: Notifications of secure messages received from others and based on messages initiated by respective senders. You must contact the sender directly if you no longer wish to receive communications from them. If you believe some sender is abusing the system (such as to spam you), please contact support.